We build awareness of the importance of organisational creativity by providing talks on creativity, innovation & design, specifically tailored to the organisations needs.
We take a holistic systems oriented approach that is based on our model and the act of design. Meaning it is research driven, iterative & participatory.
By applying various methods and tools, we unfold the challenges and opportunities to gain a clear picture of the current and desired state.
Through facilitation, we craft a Vision and the Strategy that sets the direction towards becoming a more creative organisation.
With active engagement, we support the activation and the actualisation of the defined action plan.
We take an interactive & experiential approach to learning and provide the tools & techniques to augment already existing strengths and skillsets.
We base our work on the proprietary model for Organisational CreativityTM, illustrating the building blocks - leadership, climate, capabilities and systems - that needs to be in place to optimise the organisations creative capacity.